Thursday, 27 February 2014

Chinese New Year 2014

      It might be a little to late to post about my Chinese New Year, but posting something now is better than posting nothing right? I had a lot of fun this year celebrating Chinese New Year with the family and a day with my closest friends. 

      Last year, I didn't get to celebrate as much as I did this year because my grandfather and my aunt passed away on that year. But as for this year, two of my closest cousin sisters tagged along! :) THE MORE, THE MERRIER! 

     On Chinese New Year Eve, my family and I ate dinner at my grandmother's house with my two other cousin sisters. We had the first 'lou sang' of the year as it is the tradition for most of the Chinese (?). We also played some fire sizzling sticks (I'm not sure what is it called) and took a lot of Polaroid pictures as a memory! 

      On the first day of Chinese New Year, we ate breakfast at my grandmother's house and we visited our first house which was my grand aunt's house (grandfather's brother's wife). Their house was packed filled with people. We had so many second cousins we aren't close to, I don't even know some of their names. But we took a picture as a memory since it's the first time we all talked as we exchanged our facebook contacts two years ago. 

      I'm gonna go ahead and skip till the 8th of February because there was nothing interesting happening, just visiting relatives and going to their toilets a lot of times due to the amount of water I drank. 

      On the 8th of February, my mother organized a small open house for her and her friends at our house. I invited a few of my closest friends, so did my sister. I live in a condo which is not that spacious at all, but we did manage to squeeze everyone into the house! THE MORE, THE MERRIER! Here are some pictures of what happened during that fun day. (We forgot to take picture of the scrumptious food my mom cooked for the guests) 

      After most of the guests left, a few of the guests continued to house hop to my mom's colleagues' house as it is a tradition of ours. HOUSE HOPPING IS FUN FOR THE KIDS BECAUSE WE GET TO RECEIVE A LOT OF RED PACKETS! 

That Bieber phone cover though ;)

      This year was one of the most memorable Chinese New Year in my 16 years celebrating Chinese New Year. So many happy moments were captured on that day! I hope you enjoy reading, tell me what do you think about my Chinese New Year. How was your Chinese New Year? Leave a comment down below, i'll see you guys next week! Good bye! :) x

From Gift to Gifts Charity Concert 2014 by LEO SMK Damansara Jaya #CC14

      Hey guys! It has been awhile since i've blogged! This blog post will be about the charity concert that us Leos organized. We put a lot of effort and worked hard every week for this huge event to be a great success! This concert is cordially organized by the members of the Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya with the objective of purchasing a dialysis machine for the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). This project also aims to give an opportunity to the members of Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya to organize a huge and meaningful project like this.

Here's the poster that you probably have seen many times around the school areas! 

      Some of you might ask, "Why do you want to help the National Kidney Foundation?". Well, the answer for that question is right here!
- In NKF, patients pay only RM50.00 for each dialysis treatment – where another RM50.00 is subsidized by Ministry of Health; and the remaining RM52.70 is subsidized by NKF via our daily fundraising efforts. The cost for each dialysis treatment is RM152.70.
- NKF is a non-profit charity organization; thus, fundraising is an important component so that we can channel aide to the needy and sustain the organization.
- NKF’s patients are generally from the lower income group and these patients often could not afford dialysis treatments at private medical facilities which usually charge RM150 to RM250 for each dialysis sessions. NKF helps by subsidizing the cost of the patients’ dialysis treatments, so that they are only required to pay a RM50 nominal fee per dialysis session.
- Every year, NKF needs to raise RM12 million to subsidies the dialysis treatments cost for 1558 patients who seek treatment at our 28 dialysis centers nationwide (as at November 2013). With the generous and kind support from various organizations and the public through donations, grants and various forms of financial support, we are able to subsidies the treatment cost for the patients on dialysis.

      What happened during the concert? Here are the list of performances that did spectacular that night. Well done, performers! We even had DJ Ivan from Fly.FM as our emcee for the night! 

      It was a great experience for me helping out with this huge event. If you were there on the 23rd, THANK YOU FOR COMING! I hope you had a great time. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

Valentine's Day.

      What is Valentine's Day you ask? Well, it's either you've been hiding under a rock, or you're living in bikini bottom with Spongebob! Haven't you read tweets, posts or newspaper articles about Valentine's Day? Because, EVERYONE is talking about it! And when I said everyone, i really meant EVERYONE! 

      What are the results if I typed "Valentine's Day" on Google? These are the results I see! 

      Most of the couples shows how much they love them on this very day... But my question is, shouldn't everyday be a Valentine's Day if you love each other? Valentine's Day isn't the only day you can show how much you love her/him! You should love her/him, show them that you love him/her everyday. Not just on Valentine's Day!

      Another thing I would like to point out about during Valentine's Day are the people who are alone! Why complain when you're alone during Valentine's Day? It's not that bad spending Valentine's Day alone, right? It's just like a normal day. Appreciate you still celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day

      Everyone who's celebrating Valentine's Day with their loved ones, have fun and enjoy every moment with him/her. Those who aren't, get your chins up because it isn't the end of the world! Here are some funny, inappropriate "Valentine's Day cards" found on tumblr.

      That is all for this week! See you next week. Have a nice Valentine's Day this year! Goodbye!