Friday, 20 June 2014

Respecting other people's idols.

       You know, i've been keeping this in me for way too long. I want to express it right here, right now. I've been wanting to say this for a long time but there wasn't enough fire to give me any motivation to write this. Since i'm heated up, I have more than enough motivation to type this post. If you feel like i'm talking about YOU, you should really stop what you're doing and think about how others feel. 

      Everyone has different taste in music. Some might like pop, rock, jazz or heavy metal. There's so many different types of music. But not everyone will like what you like to listen. Some might like this particular type of music, but they might like other artists that produces that type of music. Some might like what that artist produces, some might not. BUT, that does not give you the right to dis that artist if you don't like his music. Neither can you disrespect the people who enjoy listening to the artist's music. Don't you know it's rude?      

      I find it so rude when people talk bad about your idol right in your face. Is it fun hating on someone you do not even know? Is it funny when you're making fun of someone who has saved so many people's lives, people who want to commit suicide because things are all so hard for them in this world. We feel like no one is here for us, no want likes us, no one will be here to comfort us. But when we hear some songs from that particular person, we feel so much better. We feel like, he is there for us, he's here to comfort us, everything is going to be alright, as long as you believe.

        Most of you know i'm in love with my idol, Justin Bieber. And I know A LOT of you hate him. I would want to hear the reason from you, why do you hate him. But before you reply, I would like a chance to explain something. People have been hating on Justin ever since he was signed, when his famous song, Baby, with a diamond award came out and got famous. People hated him because he has a girly voice? Because of his beautiful high pitched voice, everyone started to hate on him. Everyone criticized him, calling him "gay", "faggot". First of all, there's nothing wrong with being gay. Secondly, how is having a high pitched voice "gay"? Also, he has dated girls that time, I didn't know dating girls are not the straightest thing to do. Then everyone started making fun of his hair, the Bieber flip. Media don't even focus on the heartwarming things he has done. (Scroll down to read all the amazing #GiveBacks on my other blog post.) Slowly, you guys created the "monster" <- (?). When I say "Monster", it's all the MISTAKES he has done. Those mistakes you guys bring up whenever someone says they're a Belieber. 

       All most of the people have been focusing on about him is all his mistakes. Has anyone or media talked about him doing charities, giving back to others? NO. All they focus on is all the teenage mistakes he has done. Other than that, there's people still calling him gay. Anyways, my point is, no matter what he does.. It's just wrong to everyone. And whatever he does, it doesn't affect his musics. He can sing, he can dance, he can play music instruments well. What can you haters do? Hate behind your computer. Not very impressive. 

      Before you start judging other people's idols or taste in music, think about how would it be if I insult YOUR idol or YOUR taste in music. It's hurtful knowing how people over react or judge you because you like someone they don't. I remember when I was in kindergarten, my parents and teachers will remind me to respect others. It seems like, a number of you don't learn that. 

Words can hurt.

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. 



Saturday, 24 May 2014


     If you're sensitive about this topic, I suggest you click off right now.

      Hi open minded people! How are you? 
Anways, homosexual is a huge topic now. Everyone is talking about it. Negative, rude and disrespectful comments about it. But some people are very supportive about it. Which side are you on? 

      To me, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay/lesbian. Some say they were born this way. Some say they have a problem in the head. But, does it really matter? Because it's true love. Why should we care about people's love life when we ourselves have another 99 problems to deal with? Why must we control other people's life when we should be dealing with ours? Everyone should be falling in love with the other's personality. Not their looks or genitals. 

     I feel bad for them sometimes. Some of them are so scared to come out, because they're afraid of rejection. Rejection from their parents, family members, friends.. They don't want to lose any of them just because of who they love. They're not even allowed to marry, for most people in most parts of the world. Can you imagine this? You didn't know being gay was "wrong" or "abnormal" in this world. You just liked a person with the same sex as you. You start to notice people talking about the opposite sex as their interest or someone they want to be with. Your parents have not given you the "sex talk" yet, or you have not reached the topic in science yet. You start to grow up feeling different in a bad way. You never talk about crushes or people you're interested in because you're afraid of people judging you. But soon after you meet a few friends who make you feel comfortable about who you really are. So you decided to come out from the closet and tell everyone you're gay. People judge, people talk, people laugh, people call names, people bully, people get physically violent on you, people start hating on you because you are gay. You'll then realize, you can't get married because it's against the law to marry someone you love, which has the same genitals as you. Can you imagine that? 

      That was sad to type.. But I seriously see nothing wrong with being gay. I would love to have a gay best friend one day. They're special. Hey, if you're gay, and you're afraid. No worries, I don't see anything wrong with you! I would love to be your friend and support you all the way. And if you're reading this, and you feel the urge to punch me, I did warned you that if you're sensitive about this subject, you can click off. Even the title of the post is "Homosexual". So yeah. That's all I guess. That was a great topic to blog about for my school related work. Bye!


      I don't know if you've heard about this, but technology is running humans now. Everything we do, technology will be involved. As you're reading this, you are using technology. Technology has changed lives. Without technology, we'll be still living in jungles. (Something I would love living in) Technology has helped us so much. But, have you ever thought about all the negative things in technology? How people don't communicate in real life as much as we communicate on the internet?

      People have been using technology so much, we're getting lazier and lazier every single day. People hardly talk to each other during hang outs because they're always on their phone "communicating" with friends. Why don't you put that cell phone down and talk to the person right in front of you? Family gatherings are for you to be closer to each other, for you to ask about each other's days. NOT for you to put your phone in your face the whole time.

      I have seen so many people in restaurants using their phones while waiting for their food. Couples, both sitting on the table with their phones, instead of talking to each other. I really don't get it. I've been in situations like this, I really don't like it. Might as well bring me back home, we can bring our plates to our laptop and eat alone. No one talks to each other.. Doesn't that sound fun? But I talked to my family about it. We all agreed to have a rule. "No phones on the table during meal times"
      That made us all happier. I miss the days where I see and hear laughter filled throughout the whole restaurant because everyone is cracking up jokes and talking about old times. Not like today, where everyone just sits on the table with their own phones and start "socializing" with people. 

      If you're one of them reading this, and you're realizing you're one of them.. It's never too late to change. Try stacking your phones on the table (everyone who's sitting on the same table), and the first one who takes their phone, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO IS GOING TO PAY THE BILL. Good idea? Yeap.

Why do the world run like this?

      Why do we live in a world where we were born to do one thing that everyone does, and the cycle continues? We were given birth to, then we were raised by our parents.. That's still quite alright. After 3 years old, we're going to be sent to kindergarten to learn our ABCs and 123s. After growing in kindergarten, we're off to primary school for 6 years to learn subjects which are slightly harder than what we learn in kindergarten. After we are done with our playful learning years in primary school, here we go. We are going to high school. 
      I have always thought high school was a place which you get a lot of friends and you'll find so many friends to talk about boys with.. Why didn't anyone tell me high school isn't what you see in the movies? Why didn't anyone warn me about the hard subjects we were about to learn which is related to primary school? I would have totally focused in my studies from there. Why didn't anyone warn me about all the judgmental people you will meet in high school which will only be friends with you if you're pretty or hot? Why didn't anyone warn me about all the fake people which will take advantage of you and stab you right in the back?
Why didn't anyone warn me..?

      After high school, you'll move on to college and all. After all your studies, you'll find a job. It's going to be either your dream job, something you wouldn't mind doing for the rest of your life, or something you'll hate doing every single day to find money to SURVIVE. After getting a job, you'll get married with someone which you've met long ago, or someone you've met at work. You'll still need the money to carry out a wedding. What's after getting married? Creating a family. You'll have kids that you need to raise. And they will go through what you did when you were a kid. And the cycle goes on and on and on. 

But what if..?
      But what if, I wanted to go out to the jungles and live there? What if I live nearby the sea and have my life there? What if I don't want to grow up like this with all the technology and judgmental people all around me? What if I just want to hunt and swing vines around the jungle, climbing trees and having a lion as my friend?

      So many questions to be answered but yet, nothing can be changed. Life would certainly be more interesting if we all lived on trees, swinging by tree houses with vines. You probably thought about that app, vine. Didn't you? Technology changed everything. The next post will be about technology. Stay tuned.


      People these days, including myself, are so exhausted everyday. I hear them and I complaining about being tired all the time on social media and also in real life. We are always working on either our school work, project, home works and many things related to school. 24 hours a day is clearly not enough! We're always working our butts off for everything we are asked to do. No matter how much we take a break or even procrastinate on doing the things we're suppose to do, we still get so tired after the job is completed!

     Energy is something everyone needs to make your day productive. Energy is also something you need to have fun. Energy is the thing you need most in school. Energy is also highly needed for mothers! Without energy, we will all be lying down doing absolutely nothing at all but sleep! Can you imagine mothers waking up at 5 a.m. every morning to make sure everything is in placed so that their kids don't have to worry about other things? My mother wakes up 5 in the morning everyday to prepare food for my siblings and I. After that, she'll have her quick breakfast and watch me walk out of the door for school. She later have to wake my brother up and get him ready for school (something he should be doing himself). I can't imagine myself being a mother, really. She then will go to work and come back in the evening to bring me out for dinner and fetch some of us for tuition depending on the day. Thank you mom, I love you. 

     I also can't imagine people studying and completing their homeworks every day without fail! How do they do that? And they have to catch up with their friends and family? Are they robots or what? I should also mention they look like zombies though.. 

      How about the cheerleaders? They have practice almost everyday running a few rounds as a warm up, and stretching their muscles to the max, and start practicing their amazing routines. I know someone who has never rested well since 2013. She is always pushing herself to the limit for cheer and studies. She goes ape turd when it comes to cheer and studies. 

      Why must we all be born to study anyways? What if I want to live in the jungle, climb trees and hunt for my food? Doesn't that sound really fun? It does take up quite an amount of energy though.. As I'm typing this blogpost, I'm feeling sleepy as I woke up early to buy my pet's food. That's all for now. Thanks for reading! Another post will be up real soon. Bye.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Mother's Day Celebration! (+ May Birthdays celebration)

      Mother's Day has passed a long time ago. But posting something is better than nothing, right? On the 5th of May, my family and I celebrated Mother's Day. We also celebrated birthdays which landed on May! We celebrated Mother's day for my grandmother and my mom, my mom's birthday which is on the 1st of May, my cousin's birthday with is on the 13th of May and also my birthday which is coming this Sunday, on the 25th! We celebrated at Paradigm Mall. We had sushi! Who doesn't love sushi? I'm judging you if you don't like sushi.. I'm joking! 

      Anyways, we had our celebration dinner at sakae sushi. We had to drive two cars to paradigm because a Myvi just couldn't fit the 7 of us. 7? Yeah, my mom, my grandmother, my sister, my two cousin sisters, my brother and me. Because of that, my sister had to be an extra driver on that day. Luckily for us, we parked our cars next to each other. We were really lucky to get such a nice parking lot for the two of our cars. We didn't get separated, which I hoped for before leaving the house! 

      We all had a blast. As usual, I'm the family clown making a fool out of myself for the laughter of my loved ones. That's about it! Here are some pictures I collages together. 

How did you celebrate Mother's Day?

16 and a mom?!

      Hi guys! So, what's up with the title? Is it about some stupid reality show or is it actually about myself? 
Yes, I am a mother now. A mother of... 

On the Left: Simba
On the Right: Oreo

     TWO ADORABLE BUNNIES! I'm so madly in love with them! I finally have my own pet which I take full responsibilities of. I also used my sweet sixteen birthday party money to get them. I don't want the party, I want the bunnies! They are a Lion Head Mix Breed bunnies. They are so adorable. 

     I have ALWAYS wanted a bunny. My mother always says "No." But she gave me a chance to prove it to her that i'm responsible enough to take care of my own pet! I was so overwhelmed, I cried at the pet shop and fell on their staircase. It was a little embarrassing, but it was worth the excitement!

      Did I mentioned that they are SUPER intelligent? I'm teaching them tricks like "Up Up" and "Kiss Kiss" and they learned it less than a week! Less than 2 days! I'm feeling very proud! I never thought I could teach them tricks this early! They're only a month old when I thought them the tricks. 

     I still can't confirm their genders now though. They're way to young to grow their genitals. ALTHOUGH, I saw my bunny (Simba) trying to make love to Oreo. Hmm, I always thought my bunny was the girl.. I guess not? But I can't confirm it even though there's an 80% chance Simba is a boy! I witnessed him 'humping' Oreo TWICE! What are the odds? Well, I'll keep you guys updated as soon as I find out their genders or something interesting has happened. 

Here are the links to the videos of their cool tricks: "Up Up" :
                                                                            "Kiss Kiss" :

     That's all for now.. But here are some adorable pictures that I have captured. 

They fell asleep on my lap!

Nom nom nom!


Add caption


It has been awhile!

       It has been so long since I've updated this blog. I've been busy lately.. Busy with what? ...
TO BE HONEST. I wasn't busy at all. I have been too lazy to even on my laptop and type. It's an easy task from teacher, and I can't complete that task. I should try to improve myself and stop being lazy.

      Another thing, I procrastinate too much. Every time I have been given a job or work, I will procrastinate until the last minute. Why? Why can't I do it on the first day the job was given? I should be responsible. I am disappointed in myself. I should be sleeping now, but I have procrastinated for too long. I have to suck it up and do all the blog posts now. It's 12:29 a.m. right now..  There's exam tomorrow, but I'm dropping accounts. So, YAY! Accounts paper 1 is tomorrow.

       This is not an interesting post at all, but it's going to help me a lot. Sorry, Pn Monica for procrastinating! 


     What are friends? Friends are people who will be there for you when you have no one to talk to. Friends are people will stick by you when you have no one else. Friends are the second people in your life. Friends are people who will wipe your tears when you cry, not leave at your darkest moments.

      For the past 16 years, I've been through a lot of friends. Some who are mean, rude and very annoying. Some comes and go, some are here to stay. Even though 16 years isn't a lot, but I know very well who to be friends with and who to stay away from. Some might say, "Do not pick friends as they are here for a reason.". But in my point of view, some are here to mess your life up. Why stay when all they are making you feel is unhappy? It doesn't matter who they are, how gorgeous they look, how "popular" they are or how rice thet are. IT DOESN'T MATTER. "Friends" who make you unhappy are not your friends.

      However, friends who are always there for you thick or thin, those are the people you should cherish for life. They are the people who deserve your time and effort. Make them feel happy like how they make you feel happy. True friends are not easy to find, but if you come across one, make sure you're really going to be there for them and be a true friend. Maybe when they say "They are here for a reason", it only applies for true friends.

      What are friends for? Friends should always be honest to each other no matter what. It doesn't matter if it's about sense of style, something stuck in your teeth or on your face, crushes.. Doesn't matter. Being honest to a friend is something very important to keep a friendship, like a relationship. But, this topic is about friendship.. So I will not go there.

      I had a lot of best friends.. But sometimes, things don't work out as you thought it will.. People change, things change. You can't do anything about it, but move on. Yes, you might feel very sad or even depressed for losing a best friend.. But you just got to accept the fact and go with the flow. I had a lot of best friends either drifting apart from each other, or things got into the way and ruin friendship..

      I remember being in form 2, I had this best friend which I can click so much with. She's someone I trusted and loved, she's like my sister from another family. She's one of the first person I ever shared everything with as puberty starts to hit. I told her everything like, problems, boys, work, stress.. EVERYTHING. We never run out of topics to talk about. We always acted like kids in class, getting in trouble together.If we had any problems or fights, I remember solving it in a blink! It was great memories. Things changed, but i'm glad she's still one of my closest friends I share everything with. Her name is Yik Ling. If you're reading this, Thanks for everything, Yik Ling! x

Yik Ling and I in the park blowing bubbles.

      This year, I have a few people in my life I really appreciate. They're always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to. They are the people who always give me tons of advises. I will always appreciate the things they have done for me. Them being a part of my life has been such a great thing. So much love for them. They 
Lester being a dork.

Noob Snail.

Sisters from the same hole.

Loh Max Austern! 


Kit Kat!

Qiu Wei the berry!

       Thank you Lester for always being there for me since form 2. You have been a great friend, making me laugh like a retarded seal with your goofy jokes. Teaching me mandarin because you're a MURID CERMERLANG. "Thank you Kye Huann for listening to me when i'm sad. I don't know how you know i'm sad, but you just know and will ask if I need ears. Thank you Aly for being there for me when I need to rant about things that always piss me off. I don't know how you do it, but you're still alive from all of the rants I rant about. Thank you Austern for always making me laugh all the time with your inappropriate comments about people. You're always trying to help me with my problems even though we both know it can never be solved. But really, thank you for trying. Thank you Brownie for giving me kisses and hugs whenever we're hanging out. You're always comforting me when I need someone to be with. [translation: woof woof woof] Okay, that was lame.. Thank you Woon Kit for ALWAYS listening to me in the van ranting, gossiping, telling you about my day all day every day since form 1! I can't believe you can stand me! And last but not least, Thank you Qiu Wei for always trying your very best helping me in every way you can. You're someone I can really feel comfortable with. I feel like, everything can't be told to someone. But, as for you, I literary tell you everything. I'm never insecure when I'm with you. You always give me the best advises I can't get from anywhere or anyone else. You're really someone I'm gonna cherish for life no matter what. Thank you. Thank you guys, you guys are amazing. Much love. 
         My life has been an amazing journey with you guys. Thanks for being with me on this roller-coaster going up and down non-stop. Thanks for comforting me to go through it. I would have gave up in the middle of the ride without you guys, Thank you! I love you guys. xoxo

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Chinese New Year 2014

      It might be a little to late to post about my Chinese New Year, but posting something now is better than posting nothing right? I had a lot of fun this year celebrating Chinese New Year with the family and a day with my closest friends. 

      Last year, I didn't get to celebrate as much as I did this year because my grandfather and my aunt passed away on that year. But as for this year, two of my closest cousin sisters tagged along! :) THE MORE, THE MERRIER! 

     On Chinese New Year Eve, my family and I ate dinner at my grandmother's house with my two other cousin sisters. We had the first 'lou sang' of the year as it is the tradition for most of the Chinese (?). We also played some fire sizzling sticks (I'm not sure what is it called) and took a lot of Polaroid pictures as a memory! 

      On the first day of Chinese New Year, we ate breakfast at my grandmother's house and we visited our first house which was my grand aunt's house (grandfather's brother's wife). Their house was packed filled with people. We had so many second cousins we aren't close to, I don't even know some of their names. But we took a picture as a memory since it's the first time we all talked as we exchanged our facebook contacts two years ago. 

      I'm gonna go ahead and skip till the 8th of February because there was nothing interesting happening, just visiting relatives and going to their toilets a lot of times due to the amount of water I drank. 

      On the 8th of February, my mother organized a small open house for her and her friends at our house. I invited a few of my closest friends, so did my sister. I live in a condo which is not that spacious at all, but we did manage to squeeze everyone into the house! THE MORE, THE MERRIER! Here are some pictures of what happened during that fun day. (We forgot to take picture of the scrumptious food my mom cooked for the guests) 

      After most of the guests left, a few of the guests continued to house hop to my mom's colleagues' house as it is a tradition of ours. HOUSE HOPPING IS FUN FOR THE KIDS BECAUSE WE GET TO RECEIVE A LOT OF RED PACKETS! 

That Bieber phone cover though ;)

      This year was one of the most memorable Chinese New Year in my 16 years celebrating Chinese New Year. So many happy moments were captured on that day! I hope you enjoy reading, tell me what do you think about my Chinese New Year. How was your Chinese New Year? Leave a comment down below, i'll see you guys next week! Good bye! :) x

From Gift to Gifts Charity Concert 2014 by LEO SMK Damansara Jaya #CC14

      Hey guys! It has been awhile since i've blogged! This blog post will be about the charity concert that us Leos organized. We put a lot of effort and worked hard every week for this huge event to be a great success! This concert is cordially organized by the members of the Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya with the objective of purchasing a dialysis machine for the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). This project also aims to give an opportunity to the members of Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya to organize a huge and meaningful project like this.

Here's the poster that you probably have seen many times around the school areas! 

      Some of you might ask, "Why do you want to help the National Kidney Foundation?". Well, the answer for that question is right here!
- In NKF, patients pay only RM50.00 for each dialysis treatment – where another RM50.00 is subsidized by Ministry of Health; and the remaining RM52.70 is subsidized by NKF via our daily fundraising efforts. The cost for each dialysis treatment is RM152.70.
- NKF is a non-profit charity organization; thus, fundraising is an important component so that we can channel aide to the needy and sustain the organization.
- NKF’s patients are generally from the lower income group and these patients often could not afford dialysis treatments at private medical facilities which usually charge RM150 to RM250 for each dialysis sessions. NKF helps by subsidizing the cost of the patients’ dialysis treatments, so that they are only required to pay a RM50 nominal fee per dialysis session.
- Every year, NKF needs to raise RM12 million to subsidies the dialysis treatments cost for 1558 patients who seek treatment at our 28 dialysis centers nationwide (as at November 2013). With the generous and kind support from various organizations and the public through donations, grants and various forms of financial support, we are able to subsidies the treatment cost for the patients on dialysis.

      What happened during the concert? Here are the list of performances that did spectacular that night. Well done, performers! We even had DJ Ivan from Fly.FM as our emcee for the night! 

      It was a great experience for me helping out with this huge event. If you were there on the 23rd, THANK YOU FOR COMING! I hope you had a great time. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

Valentine's Day.

      What is Valentine's Day you ask? Well, it's either you've been hiding under a rock, or you're living in bikini bottom with Spongebob! Haven't you read tweets, posts or newspaper articles about Valentine's Day? Because, EVERYONE is talking about it! And when I said everyone, i really meant EVERYONE! 

      What are the results if I typed "Valentine's Day" on Google? These are the results I see! 

      Most of the couples shows how much they love them on this very day... But my question is, shouldn't everyday be a Valentine's Day if you love each other? Valentine's Day isn't the only day you can show how much you love her/him! You should love her/him, show them that you love him/her everyday. Not just on Valentine's Day!

      Another thing I would like to point out about during Valentine's Day are the people who are alone! Why complain when you're alone during Valentine's Day? It's not that bad spending Valentine's Day alone, right? It's just like a normal day. Appreciate you still celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day

      Everyone who's celebrating Valentine's Day with their loved ones, have fun and enjoy every moment with him/her. Those who aren't, get your chins up because it isn't the end of the world! Here are some funny, inappropriate "Valentine's Day cards" found on tumblr.

      That is all for this week! See you next week. Have a nice Valentine's Day this year! Goodbye!