Why do we live in a world where we were born to do one thing that everyone does, and the cycle continues? We were given birth to, then we were raised by our parents.. That's still quite alright. After 3 years old, we're going to be sent to kindergarten to learn our ABCs and 123s. After growing in kindergarten, we're off to primary school for 6 years to learn subjects which are slightly harder than what we learn in kindergarten. After we are done with our playful learning years in primary school, here we go. We are going to high school.
I have always thought high school was a place which you get a lot of friends and you'll find so many friends to talk about boys with.. Why didn't anyone tell me high school isn't what you see in the movies? Why didn't anyone warn me about the hard subjects we were about to learn which is related to primary school? I would have totally focused in my studies from there. Why didn't anyone warn me about all the judgmental people you will meet in high school which will only be friends with you if you're pretty or hot? Why didn't anyone warn me about all the fake people which will take advantage of you and stab you right in the back?
Why didn't anyone warn me..?
After high school, you'll move on to college and all. After all your studies, you'll find a job. It's going to be either your dream job, something you wouldn't mind doing for the rest of your life, or something you'll hate doing every single day to find money to SURVIVE. After getting a job, you'll get married with someone which you've met long ago, or someone you've met at work. You'll still need the money to carry out a wedding. What's after getting married? Creating a family. You'll have kids that you need to raise. And they will go through what you did when you were a kid. And the cycle goes on and on and on.
But what if..?
But what if, I wanted to go out to the jungles and live there? What if I live nearby the sea and have my life there? What if I don't want to grow up like this with all the technology and judgmental people all around me? What if I just want to hunt and swing vines around the jungle, climbing trees and having a lion as my friend?
So many questions to be answered but yet, nothing can be changed. Life would certainly be more interesting if we all lived on trees, swinging by tree houses with vines. You probably thought about that app, vine. Didn't you? Technology changed everything. The next post will be about technology. Stay tuned.
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